Student Leadership and VIA
Grounded in the belief that every Clementeen has the potential to be a leader, the leadership development is deployed down to every student. There is a three-level student leadership development framework proposed to equip student leaders with the appropriate level of competencies to prepare them for leadership roles.
All Students are required to undergo the Highly Effective Youth programme and achieve NYAA bronze at the end of secondary 2.
Team Leadership
CCA Leaders (No. 1), NE Ambassadors, Sports Leaders, Class Management Committee
Organizational Leadership
All Heads from the team leadership group (except CMC), Student Council
The Leadership Challenge Model by James Kouzes and Barry Posner was adopted as the guiding model for the Student Leadership Framework. This model advocated leadership grounded in values and aligned to the servant leader philosophy.
The approach to develop the leaders’ competencies at each level includes teaching students 5 leadership practices.
Model the way
Inspire a Shared Vision
Challenge the process
Enable others to act
Encourage the heart
In CTSS, we provide different leadership opportunities to cater to the different needs of students.
1) Class Management Committee (CMC)
The CMC comprises of the Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, Secretary and NE Representative in every class to lead in their class Values-In-Action project and manage the class. They undergo annual training to be equipped with skills such as conflict management, proposal writing and peer leadership in order to better manage the class.
2) Sports Leaders
Sports Leaders in CTSS strive for “Personal development in the context of a team”. Riding on the Singapore Sports Council’s Vision 2030, we believe that sports can be used as a strategy for Clementeens to have a healthier and better life through the impactful experience of Sport. We hope that through Sport, we are able to develop leaders who are stronger and more resilient individuals who are anchored on core values, whilst at the same time forging a strong identity with shared memories and strengthened friendships.
3) NE Ambassadors
The NE Ambassadors’ Board was set up in 2010 to champion the NE initiative through engaging the head, heart and hands of Clementeens and members of the community via promoting and role modeling the NE Values and Messages. The NE Ambassadors wear the Lion Head, a national symbol of Singapore on their badge to remind them of having courage, strength and excellence as well as resilience in the pursuit of their goals.The NE Ambassadors have been responsible for the planning and execution of the NE Commemorative Days and the Environment Commemorative Days such as World Water Day and Youth for Environment Day. They have been instrumental in facilitating knowledge on history and heritage through conceptualizing National Education and History Trails around the school and Singapore and acting as docents for their peers and members of the public. They are also involved in promoting messages of racial harmony and eco living through the HDB Heartland Ambassadors Programme to the heartlands. The NE Ambassadors also act as Environment Ambassadors as they promote the messages of environmental conservation and environmental advocacy to their peers and actively participate in environmental related values in actions projects.
4) CCA Leaders
The CCA leaders of the 21 different CCAs undergo an annual leadership camp to equip them with the necessary leadership competencies to lead in their respective CCA groups.
5) Student Council
The student council is a group of students chosen to make decisions or give advice on student matters, to represent the student body and to run certain events or programmes for the school. They are the apex student organisation body.
The entire Student council fulfils certain general roles. The Student Council will
- represent the student body and serve as a bridge between students and staff
cater to the well-being of students
help maintain discipline and perform daily duties
help organize leadership camps and school events
provide services to other students and the school
- provide services to the external communities
The three sub-committees of the Council also perform certain specific roles. The three sub-committees of the council are:
Community outreach
School Improvement
Student Development
Service Learning (SL)
The S-L programme @ CTSS is aligned to the School Strategic Thrust 1: Future-Ready Clementeen which aims to nurture him or her with a heart of Service, equipped with the requisite Social-Emotional Competencies, to have a good knowledge of the needs of the school and the community and to work in teams for the greater good of the community.
At Secondary 1, students participate in Project Clean-My-School to clean up CTSS compounds and learn to appreciate the hard work which our school cleaners put in daily to provide a conducive environment for everyone.
At Secondary 2, students are required to engage in Service-Learning that impacts the environment of the Clementi community. They are involved in a recycling outreach programme to publicise and collect recyclables from residents living in Clementi neighbourhood.
At upper secondary levels, students are required to self-initiate their own Service-Learning project with facilitation by teachers. The programme not only strives to encourage an active student voice but also to engage Clementeens in meaningful service to the school and communities through careful integration with established service and learning objectives so that they are able to work effectively in teams to come up with innovative ideas and collectively play an active role in bettering the lives of others.
S-L@CTSS aims to develop every Clementeen into:
An Active Contributor who has the confidence to voice up, work effectively in teams, is innovative and strives for excellence
A Bright Learner who takes initiative to serve the real needs of the community and take ownership
A Caring and Concerned Citizen who can communicate effectively, has good interpersonal skills and takes an active part in the betterment of the lives of others.