Mother Tongue Languages
Through our curriculum and various enrichment programmes, we seek to develop each Clementeen to be a proficient and confident user of their own Mother Tongue Language and to develop students’ interest in their own Mother Tongue culture. We nurture Clementeens who are able to exhibit the distinctive values or beliefs of their own Mother Tongue Culture.
Mother Tongue Fortnight Programme
To enhance students’ understanding and interest towards their own Mother Tongue culture through experiential learning, the Mother Tongue department organized the Mother Tongue Fortnight Programme for all students. A range of interesting MTL activities, such as Chinese paper cutting, opera mask painting, bean drawing, clay modelling, Malay Scabble, Indian Poetry Workshops, were organized to expose students to their individual Mother Tongue culture.
In order to cultivate cross-cultural skills, socio-cultural sensitivity and global awareness, the Mother Tongue department has organized an overseas cultural immersion trip to Beijing from 29 Oct to 3 Nov 2019. Besides local school visits and attending a lecture in Peking University, students also had the opportunities to visit famous cultural sites such as the Great Wall of China, Forbidden Palace and Yuan Ming Yuan. Visits to the National Museum of China and Science and Technology Museum had also enhanced students’ understanding of the history of China and the vast advancement of technology.
Chinese Unit
West Zone Di Zi Gui Essay Writing Competition 2015 - 1st Prize
2017年 全国中小学现场华文故事创作比赛 - 低年级组最佳创作将 (朱思佳)
2017年德明政府中学第11届校际《劲爆剧场大比拼》- 最佳团队精
Malay Unit:
National Secondary School Malay Scrabbles Competition 2015 - 5th position
National Story Challenge 2017 - 2nd Prize
Tamil Unit:
National Poetry writing 2015 - 3rd Prize
National Quiz competition 2015- 3rd Prize
Story writing Competition & 3rd Prize
Book Debate Competition - 3rd Prize
ACS-I Inter School Competition 2016 : Dance - 5th Prize
: Poetry Writting - 4th Prize
: Singing - 2nd Prize
Tamil Amuthu - National Day Inter School Competition 2016 (August)
- Tongue Twister - 1st Prize
- Singing - 2nd Prize
- Picture 1 word - 4th Prize
- Quize - 4th Prize
W1W7 Cluster Drama Competition 2017: 1st Prize & Best Actor Award
Kallang CC Dance Competition 2017: 1st Prize
Kallang CC Singing Competition 2017: 2nd Prize